Years to financial independence

Years to Financial Independence

This calculator, given your spending habits and using the 4% rule, estimates how many years you are from financial independence (aka being able to retire).

The goal of this calculator is to show that:

  • The most important financial principle is to spend less than you earn and save the rest
  • With enough discipline, you can easily become financially independent
  • Serve as a wake up call if you are not on track with your retirement savings

The source code for this page is available on github

This should exclude any savings toward retirement. Include everything else you spend in a month. For more accuracy try averaging your yearly spend

How much money do you save for your retirement every month?

How much money/assets have you already saved? Assets that costs you money should be excluded (like the house you live in or the car you drive)

Target Retire Amount
Current Savings Rate
Years Left

How much interest you earn after inflation. If you earn 11% interest, but inflation is 5%, then your interest over inflation is 6%

The % of your money that you can withdraw yearly from your retirement savings, without your money ever running out

Savings RateYears Left

How much interest you earn after inflation. If you earn 11% interest, but inflation is 5%, then your interest over inflation is 6%

The % of your money that you can withdraw yearly from your retirement savings, without your money ever running out