Getting wooed by F#

Getting wooed by F#

One of my goals this year is to learn a new programming language. This language should use a programming style different than what I am familiar with (currently C# and Javascript). As I am settled in the .net space I decided to go with F#. I am only about a week in, but man I have to say I am excited. So excited that I could not hold it in any longer and decided to write about what is getting me excited. I have to stress that my F# skills are equivalent to a baby sliding around on its stomach learning to crawl. Regardless, what I have seen so far is awesome.

I am currently working through all the content on fsharpforfunandprofit by Scott Wlaschin, and I am borrowing the below example come from there.

So my first real surprise is how well F# lends itself to Modeling a Domain. I am going to show you this by using a card game as an example.

Here is what it might look like in c#.

public enum Suit

public enum Rank

public class Card
    public Card(Suit suit, Rank rank)
        this.Suit = suit;
        this.Rank = rank;

    public Suit Suit { get; private set; }
    public Rank Rank { get; private set; }

public class Hand
    public Hand(List<Card> cards)
        this.Cards = cards ?? new List<Card>();

    public List<Card> Cards { get; private set; }

public class Deck
    public Deck(List<Card> cards)
        this.Cards = cards ?? new List<Card>();

    public List<Card> Cards { get; private set; }

public class Player
    public Player(string name, Hand hand)
        this.Name = name;
        this.Hand = hand;

    public string Name { get; private set; }
    public Hand Hand { get; private set; }

public class Game
    public Game(Deck deck, List<Player> players)
        this.Deck = deck;
        this.Players = players ?? new List<Player>();

    public Deck Deck { get; private set; }
    public List<Player> Players { get; private set; }

Pretty straight forward stuff. I showed this to my wife that knows nothing about code and she had no idea what was going on.

Then I showed her this.

module CardGame =

    type Suit = Club | Diamond | Spade | Heart

    type Rank = Two | Three | Four | Five | Six | Seven | Eight | Nine | Ten | Jack | Queen | King | Ace

    type Card = Suit * Rank

    type Hand = Card list

    type Deck = Card list

    type Player = { Name:string; Hand:Hand}

    type Game = {Deck:Deck; Players: Player list}

    type Deal = Deck -> (Deck*Card)

    type PickupCard = (Hand*Card) -> Hand

The above is not pseudo code. It valid f# that compiles. First note the total number of lines. 80 vs 19 like what! I showed this to my wife and even though I still had to explain some of it, she got the gist just by looking at it. This means that a domain expert should fairly easily be able to confirm a domain model correctness, without understanding f#.

I know there is no behavior in the above example, but the conciseness and lack of clutter really got my attention. When the f# guys where talking about writing less code, they where not kidding.

What is not apparent from the example is that you get a lot of things for free

  • Types are immutable by default. GoGo Value Types. Mutability can be chosen explicitly, but the immutability forces us to transform data into new data, rather than changing it. This prevents bugs and side effects.
  • Types are equatable by default. We get comparison, max, min and ordering for free. Again this is great for Value Types.
let highcard = (Heart, Ace)
let lowcard = (Club, Six)
highcard < lowcard //false
let randomcard = (Club,Six)
lowcard = randomcard //true
  • Null reference exceptions are excluded from the above code as non of these types can be null. If you need nullable functionality, you add it explicitly.
  • New primitive types are basically free. We can easily make a string type that has to be less than 40 characters and then use that where we have a less than 40 characters business rule. Although this is possible in c#, it is a lot more code and hassle and we end up not doing it.
  • Less code means less bugs.

I am going to stop here before I re-write Scott's website. I have not even began to scratch the surface, but if what I have uncovered so far is an indication of what is to come, I am definitely going to become an F# developer.

I also found a Case Study for Type-safe Domain Modeling in F# on reddit.

and this Does the Language You Use Make a Difference (revisited)?

If you want to find out more have a look at the Why use F# series.


To give some credit back to c# I did the following

  • Put all the enums on one line, even though this is not convention
  • Auto initialized the lists (available in C# 6)

This brought the line count for c# down to 55 vs 19 for f#. I then figured you can write everything on one line and that a word/character count might be a better metric. C# had 160 words and 1063 characters. F# 82 Words and 457 Characters. There is still a significant difference.

I also feel the need to say that I still love c# and I think it is a great language. This post was less about c# being long winded and more about f# being really compact.